Handing In Your Notice

Things to ensure prior to handing in your notice:

  • Before formally handing in your notice make sure you have any new job offer in writing from the company.  A verbal offer is not sufficient.
  • Make sure you know your notice period so check your contract of employment.
  • Write a formal letter of resignation, state your notice period and the date you intend to leave.  You can outline any reasons you are leaving, however it is advisable to avoid negativity if possible.  You never know, you may wish to apply for a job there again in the future!
  • Practice what you are going to say and the reasons behind it.
  • Ask to speak privately to your line manager so you can explain that you intend to leave and give the reasons why verbally.  They may ask if they can get back to you and in some cases may even present you with a counter offer.  More information on this can be found below.
  • Hand in your resignation letter and ask your line manager to formally confirm your last day.

Counter Offers:

It is common for your current employer to make a counter offer when you inform them of your decision to leave.  Therefore, it might be tempting to accept this (increased salary, offer of promotion for example). It is however important to keep in mind the reasons you decided to look for a new job in the first place.  In many cases, candidates who accept a counter offer are looking for a new job again within 12 months.  Resources are available that explain why accepting a counter offer is often a short term fix to long term issues.  It is advisable to do some research on this before you make a final decision.